Q: When should I apply to Discover Play School?
A: Discover Play School offers rolling enrollment throughout the school year. To submit an application for the following year, parents must first schedule a tour and meeting with the Admissions Director, as well as a classroom observation. Please begin this process in October. Please note that children are eligible for Discover Play School Program at the age two. It is best for parents to contact the school sometime after the child's second birthday to begin the admissions process.
Q: Can my child transfer to Discover Play School if he does not have prior Montessori experience?
A: The majority of Discover Play School students were either enrolled in the school prior to age five or transferred from another Montessori environment. Discover Play School has limited space in each classroom for students transferring from non-Montessori backgrounds. When a space becomes available for non-Montessori student, the school initiates interviews and discussion to ensure that a Montessori environment will be beneficial to the child and the classroom.